Sleeping bag
Whether you call it a sleeping bag, a baby comforter, a sleeping bag or a onesie, the sleeping bag is an essential childcare accessory for baby. Le choix des bébés offers you a choice of baby sleeping bags adapted to your child's growth. You will find on the website baby sleeping bags, also called sleeping bags birth, as well as a large selection of evolving sleeping bags.

Le choix des bébés, as a specialist in baby care, sells mini sleeping bags for the first months of baby's life. The small size sleeping bag is ideal at the beginning because it adapts to the small forms of baby, it feels well wrapped and reassured to sleep. The current season is important when choosing a sleeping bag, as your child's need for warmth will differ depending on the temperature of the baby's room. The sleeping bag tog is a thermal index that allows you to define the insulation of a fabric, i.e. the thickness of the sleeping bag. The higher the tog of the sleeping bag, the more it will correspond to a winter sleeping bag for baby. If the tog of the sleeping bag is lower, then it corresponds to a summer sleeping bag. It is important to dress baby with a light sleeping bag in summer to avoid that he sweats too much and sleeps less well. Once you have chosen the model, you will have to determine which size of sleeping bag to choose for your baby, according to his age and size. Le choix des bébé offers all sizes of sleeping bags, from birth with sleeping bags 0-3 months, then sleeping bags 0-6 months and finally the most practical, the evolving sleeping bag or adjustable sleeping bag that adapts to the size of baby. You will have understood, the sleeping bag is an essential accessory to cover baby while leaving him free to move during the night and naps. The brands Candide and Tinéo offer you their most beautiful models of sleeping bags on the choice of the babies. Did you know? 18/24h, it is the number of hours that a baby sleeps on average until 3 months old. It is estimated that 50% of babies do not sleep through the night before 4 months and 25% still do not sleep through the night at 1 year. This period can be stressful and tiring for parents, which is why it is essential to do everything possible to ensure that baby sleeps in the best possible conditions by choosing the right sleeping bag and also by choosing the right baby mattress. On Le Choix Des Bébés you will inevitably find the right comforter for your baby with the help of our detailed information sheets for each product. Finally, remember that it is absolutely not recommended to make baby sleep with sheets or a comforter, only the sleeping bag is adapted to the sleep of babies. They allow to protect him from the cold, while leaving baby free to move.